taking courage in who God is and sharing His grace with one another.
The day will give the women of JPBC ample opportunity to make new friends, deepen existing relationships, and celebrate the work God is doing among us.
The theme of the conference is “Biblical Encouragement.” We hope that attendees will feel encouraged in the Lord and develop deeper friendships with one another. We desire that the women of JPBC will take courage in who God is and share His grace with one another.
This one-day retreat will be packed with devotionals, small group discussions, testimonies, panel discussions, signing, praying, food and fellowship. There will also be free-time designed for you to get some rest and relaxation!
Date/Time: Saturday, April 15th - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Location: Jefferson Park Baptist Church
Cost: $15 (check, cash or paypal)
Meals: Breakfast and lunch will be provided!
Childcare: Childcare will not be provided for this event. However, if a lack of childcare will hinder you from attending, please contact us to make alternate arrangements.
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 12th (click the “register” button above)